Please complete this online form so we can process your invoices in a manner consistent with our company's needs.
What is the legal name of your company?*
Operating name of your business (if different)
What is your company's US Federal Tax ID number?*
DUNS number? (If you do not know it, put "unknown")
Do you have a Motor Carrier Authority Number?* YesNo
If you answered yes above, please enter your MC number
The MC # will not apply to non motor-carrier Vendors completing this form. In such cases, please write "Not Applicable" above. If you are a Motor Carrier but do not have a MC number, please write an explanation in the space provided above.
Post Code
Company's Operations/Dispatch Email address*
Operations phone number*
Accounting Email address*
Do you use a factoring company?* YesNo
All payments to our vendors are paperless (electronic). You must provide direct deposit bank information to complete vendor account set up. The information below should be for the banking institution payments are being sent to. If you use a factoring service, be sure to list THEIR banking details rather than your own.
Please enter the name of the banking institution*
What is the bank's ABA routing Number (U.S.A. banks), or SWIFT code (international)?*
What is the depository account #?*
Please re-enter the depository account #*
Please list the registered owner of the bank account provided (company name).*
To what email address should we send our remittance notifications?*
Is this bank account located within the U.S.A. and in US Dollars ($)? * YesNo
If you answered "No" above, please answer the next five questions If the account is a USA bank account, you can skip these questions.
What is the associated currency for the account listed?
Please list a contact name for your bank representative
Please list the bank representative's email address
Please list the bank representative's telephone number (include country code)
Please provide the full address for the banking institution listed.
Is there anything we didn't cover and should know to ensure smooth transactions with your company?*
All files must be PDFs under 4mb. Larger files may be submitted via email.
Copy of your Motor Carrier Authority Number
W9 or W8-BEN-E (for non US entities)*
Void Check or Letter of bank account details*
Certificate of Insurance (COI) YesNo If you did not upload a COI, Please Confirm You're a Non-Transportation Related Vendor*
Signed & Dated Notice of Assignment (NOA) YesNo If you did not upload an NOA, Confirm Your Company is not Factoring Receivables*
Carrier Packet (if applicable)
Reasonable status updates must be provided to our Operations Team ( - fine up to $250
IGL Operations must be notified upon arrival/departure from shipper and consignee ( - fine up to $250
IGL Operations must be notified of any overages, shortages or damages immediately ( - fine up to $250
Any anticipated delay or complication must be immediately reported ( - fine up to $2500
Shipper Bill of Lading (SBOL) and Proof of Delivery (POD) must be provided to our Operations Team by email within 4 hours of delivery (or as soon as possible thereafter). Hard Copy POD must be emailed to within 24 hours of delivery. (Within 48 hours for Mexico or Canada destinations) ( - fine $250
Detention charges will apply at a rate of $50 per hour only upon receiving written notification of request for verifiable detention. All carriers must allow a minimum of 2 hours load and unload time for any shipment, free of detention. All loads are exclusive vehicle use only. Co-loading is not permitted unless specifically approved by IGL in writing. All loads tendered are to be moved on equipment assigned to the carrier's own MC number. Co-brokering or double brokering is not permitted. All trucks and trailers must be clean, dry, odorless, and empty with no pallets, holes, or leaks. Dry run charges will not be approved if equipment requirements above are not met. Carrier shall NOT contact shippers or consignees directly for any reason. All communications regarding each load must be directed through IGL as noted unless otherwise specifically agreed to in writing. IGL must be notified and approve any accessorial charges, in writing, PRIOR to carrier performing the service. Failure to do so will result in non payment of said items.
ALL invoices must be submitted exclusively by email to
Payment terms are NET 30 days from date properly submitted. To be properly submitted an invoice must be sent via email to, include hardcopy backup documents, clear & legible signature with date & time, include IGL Load # reference, and vendor must have completed vendor account set up process outlined herein.
All rates between your company and IGL must remain strictly confidential. This information is never to be shared with our customer, another carrier, or any unrelated third party besides your billing or factoring company. Do not use our Load Confirmation sheet as a BOL or POD or let our customer see it in any way. In all typical circumstances, invoices must be submitted to our company within 7 days of services rendered.
All vendor terms are Net 30 from date PROPERLY submitted.
We pride ourselves in the timely payment of vendor invoices. To allow us ample time to process all items that come into our Accounting Department, we ask that all vendors refrain from payment inquiries unless at least 35 days have passed from the date the invoice was properly submitted.
Our accounting department operates at a very efficient level. Our company will process and pay vendors timely at 30 days from receipt of invoice. To ensure we can live up to the high standards we set for ourselves, please comply with our vendor terms of submitting all proper paperwork, invoices, and required backup documents timely. If any of these conditions are not met, it could result in delay of payment. If additional information is needed for any invoice, you will be notified promptly to the best of our ability. If we do not receive a timely response to such an inquiry, this may result in a delay of payment. We will not accept pre-dating of invoices. Vendor terms begin on the date your invoice is submitted properly. Should the need arise to make a payment inquiry related to an invoice, we ask that you refrain from such inquiries until at least 35 days have passed from the date the invoice was emailed in. This allows us to continue to provide timely processing of invoices. Time spent responding to inquiries that are still in their normal 30 day processing window impedes our ability to provide excellent service to ALL of our vendors.
Thank you for your time. Your answers to these questions help us set up your account properly and provide a smooth accounting process for your invoices to be paid timely. Please remember that ALL invoices must be submitted exclusively to
We appreciate having you as a partner in our business!
By submitting this form, you are acknowledging that you have completed this information accurately and understand the mandatory vendor terms that have been described herein.